D-HAT 12000 / 12000+
For Large Railroad applications, Oil & Gas Fracking Pumps and Maritime Bunker Fueled Engines
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the worldwide body which oversees pollution mandates consisting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
The global marine industry is also under extreme pressure to reduce their carbon footprint significantly in the very near future under penalty of being dry docked for noncompliance. The IMO is succumbing to increased pressure from green initiatives from every port in every country.
Solutions from Hydrogen On Demand Technologies large on board Diesel Hydrogen Assist Technology (D-HAT) systems are the right solution and available today. The HODT marine solutions; 6000max and 12000max marine systems provide three critical considerations. We enable these older engines to survive while paying for themselves in reduced fuel usage. Additionally, fleet owners will reduce other on board exhaust system cleaning equipment costs enabling additional revenue generation through the sale of carbon credits.
HODT on board H2 assist systems are proven to significantly reduce CO2, NOx THC and Particulate Matter emissions enabling most of these engines to operate at Tier 2 emission levels while also reducing consumption of fuel and its cost by 10 to 24%. Along with massive reductions in emissions and greatly improving fuel consumption reduction, we do it safely with one element: water. Our fuel cell requires steam distilled water which can be produced with an onboard distiller. No caustic chemicals unlike other competing technologies. What We Do
When operating, our system generates the correct amount of hydrogen to join the air / fuel mixture as it enters the cylinder for combustion. The addition of hydrogen into the engine’s intake air allows for a more complete fuel burn almost eliminating harmful emissions and improving fuel efficiency between 18-27% in our client trials. Identical to all of our DHAT solutions, the DHAT 12000+ is completely safe. There is NO onboard storage of hydrogen.
Scalable, Safe Technology
Hydrogen On Demand Technologies (HOD) was engaged to design a solution for large locomotive diesel engines which are typically in the <160L range. This was the perfect platform to scale the Marine solution from to support Marine diesel engines greater than 180L in size. Our proven success in hydrogen assist on off road systems provide the foundation of our expertise in all applications.
Tested and Validated
We commissioned an independent a 3rd party report 2023 of the raw data validating our results after completing the first 100-day normal operations.
Available Now!
Ready to start saving money and making a positive impact? Great, we’re ready to help. The DHAT 12000 / 12000+ from Hydrogen On Demand Technologies is the right technology right now ready to deploy globally.
HOD Alternative Fuel Solutions for Portable Power Storage and Renewable, Practical Solutions to Fossil Fuels
We also offer custom Green Hydrogen Energy generation and storage options aimed at power generation centers such as Hydroelectric, Wind and Solar stations where waste energy is just that – waste. We can generate H2 fuels for convenient storage and transport instead of relying on Earth-damaging fossil fuels for chemically dangerous rare-earth batteries to move our energy in a portable fashion.
Solutions available now based on a site review and custom, application specific quotation.